In a country where tyranny and injustice are the only means of the ruling elites’ existence, the only option the people have is to vote them out. Sabah UMNO/BN is dead convinced that its Federal Leaders are Saints.
Can UMNO/BN Sabah tell us, why Sabah which is rich in natural resources such as oil and timber and cash crop such as oil palm etc is the 2nd poorest state in Malaysia?
The founding fathers’ of Sabah gave their lives, so that the people of Sabah would live and enjoy the gifts of GOD.
Now these gifts have been robbed off them and the people marginalized and treated as 2nd class citizens.
UMNO/BN Sabah Ministers’ have mastered the art of rhetorics and have been lying through their teeth. In short, they have been parroting their political masters and still believe Sabahans are MORONS. They call for the history of Malaysia's formation to be included in our school history books; the question is "which history are these UMNO/BN parrots referring to"?
The one that has marginalized Sabahans and down-graded them to second class citizens, or the one that Sabah is currently the second poorest state in Malaysia because of these very same politicians who have robbed the people?
If at all the people had felt that these UMNO/BN Sabah "Leaders" were made of steel when they "conned" Sabahans into believing that they were fighting for their rights,
the people have now awoken to know that these "Leaders" were in actual fact out to "steal".
To change Malaysia for the better, Sabah in particular, we must now change the government. In the words of Sabah's Minister of Tourism and Environment, Masidi Manjun "there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all policy. It has to be tailor-made to suit the pecularities of Sabah and Sarawak". While I may agree with him,
I wonder if it’s just political rhetoric to hoodwink the people and defuse the situation. 
I recall Masidi Manjun and Bernard Dompok lying through their teeth, when they said they had NO KNOWLEDGE of a RM 2.8 Billion Kaiduan Dam in Penampang, until I produced the LETTER OF AWARD issued by the very same government they are working with.
So, why should Sabahans believe them now?
Sabahans are patriotic to the nation and will fight to their last drop of blood to defend the nation. And they are always reminded to adhere to and believe in the Constitution. My question is, which constitution are we talking about NOW?
Tun Fuad Stephens had called for the review of the provisions in the constitution of the country because it did not seem to reflect what was intended by the original Malaysian agreement. Look what happened to him and his cabinet - "dead”. Was it political assassination? The people of Sabah have been oppressed to the extend that they have to BEG for development funds and any meaningful funds comes only once every 5 years during the elections.
Sabahans must not and should not be beggars in their own land, They
MUST RISE and demand back what rightfully belongs to them.
BN Sabah partners of late have been at each other's throats; which indicates huge cracks within. Ironically, no one has the testicles to say..."we are leaving Barisan Nasional". Why not so? It's obvious ... projects and hand-outs of course. I heard from the grapevine recently that Sabah's Chief Minister Musa Aman and aspiring candidate for Chief Minister Shafie Apdal (PM Najib's "blue-eyed boy") were in a heated argument over projects monopolized by Musa in Semporna. Either way, volcanic eruptions are about to happen.
Sabahans are ready for change. The Sibu, Sarawak by-elections has opened the floodgates with renewed vigour that, it is now possible for the very same tsunami that hit West Malaysia in the 12th general elections to strike again here in East Malaysia.

Sabahans must first change by saying “NO” to bribery and UMNO/BN's corruptive RM50 notes as inducement just to vote for them.
Are we tradable commodities … and insultingly … worth just RM50?

Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR ) will be having its 6th Annual Congress on the 26th-30th in Kota Bahru and many issues will be deliberated, all under the name of strengthening the party. My question is, does PKR exist in Sabah?
If the answer is in the affirmative, then their leadership in Sabah must be "transparent" and vocal, as their silence may denote non-existence.
Who is actually calling the shots in PKR Sabah? I urge the Leadership to re-visit the problems that are plaguing PKR Sabah to ensure the Party remains relevant in facing the 13th general election. There is a leadership problem that must be addressed immediately, or all hell may break loose.
The people are watching, and they don't like what they see.
I wish to convey my warm wishes and greetings to all my Kadazan brothers and sisters...KOTOBIAN TADAU KAAMATAN,and to my Dayak brothers and sisters..HAPPY GAWAI.May we rise together as one and redeemed back our dignity and claim what rightfully belongs to us.