Parti Keadilan Rakyat's President Dato Seri Wan Azizah blatantly lied in her statement,that the position of "Director of Communication PKR Sabah" doesn't exist,has never existed and Ronnie Klassen was never the Director of Communications of PKR Sabah.Wan Azizah is a BLATANT LIAR of the highest order,and questions are now ask if PKR is truly fighting for the rights of Sabahans.Sabahans have been hoodwink by UMNO/BN for the last 47 years,the people have suffered enough.

In her statement that appeared in all the local media in Sabah,she blatantly stated that,there was no such post.As a responsible Malaysian citizen,I lodged a Police report on the 11th.Feb.2011,against one Datu Akjan Ali Muhammad in his self proclamation as the "Sultan of Sulu" which

appeared in a news portal.In the name of protecting the country's sovereignty and safe guarding National Security,I lodged the report alongside Dr.Chong En Leong at the Kota Kinabalu Police Headquarters,Karamunsing at 1.58pm on the 11th.Feb.2011.The report was lodged in our capacity as responsible Malaysians.

Ironically,the PKR President in her statement,stated that the report lodged by me,was not the stand of the party and does not reflect PKR's opinion in the matter.Is Wan Azizah telling Sabahans that PKR fully concurs with Datu Akjan as the self proclaimed Sultan of Sulu,since my report does not reflect the opinion of PKR?Bear in mind,similar reports were also made by SAPP and ironically by UMNO and Barisan Nasional.Has Wan Azizah been away for a long holiday and only just return to Malaysia,and lost total sight of what's happening in Sabah?

For the record,I had received an email from Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim,in June 2009,informing me that he would like to put me up in the state leadership.In mid-July 2009,I was offered the position of Director of Communication for PKR Sabah by Azmin Ali at the advice of Dato'Seri Anwar Ibrahim, during our meeting at Shangrila Tanjung Aru Beach Hotel,Kota Kinabalu.I did not immediately respond to his offer,and needed time to consider.

It was only 2 weeks later that I agreed to accept the post,and the announcement of the state line-up was formalized and was published in all the local media,on the of 3rd.July.2009, My immediate duties was to engage with the younger generation,in the cause of the party and to ignite the tsunami of change.On the 20th.Dec.2009,I organized a Dialogue cum Forum in Kota Kinabalu,where I successfully managed to assemble 150 young professionals,with the hope of getting the young generation to become leaders in PKR,eventually replacing the old and withered leaders.The guest of honour was none other then Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim himself.Why didn't Anwar say that Ronnie Klassen is not the Director of Communications in his speech?

In January 2010,a new state chief,Thamrin Hj.Jaini, took over PKR Sabah,after Azmin Ali was unceremoniously ousted out of the state,as the state leaders wanted a Sabahan to lead.I was retained as the Director Of Communications and had attended all state leaders meeting held at the PKR Headquarters in Penampang.My contribution has been enormous for the party,and I challenge any state leader to say otherwise.To name a few of my contributions and sacrifices,
1. The establishment of a huge network of supporters in the Internet all over Malaysia,Sabah in particular.
2. The establishment of a network of Sabahans residing in Peninsular Malaysia,to assist needy Sabahans.
3. Our joint network between PKR and DAP in assisting jobless and homeless Sabahans in Peninsular Malaysia.
4. My assistance and support together with my team members in all the by-elections.
5. Providing input to the state leaders,and setting up of groups to engaged with the younger generation at grass root level.
6. The setting up and joint effort of common groups overseas,to spread the word of Change.
7. To keep members,supporters and voters abreast on current issues through messages in the Internet,particularly in FaceBook.
8. My blog was used to enhance the image of the party as well to improvise the party through mistakes done.
9. To take UMNO/BN to task on issues affecting Sabahans through my blog,which was my mouth piece to the people.
10. To liaise with the media on all press conferences and press statement.
11. To provide a platform for all party divisions to voice the problems of the people.
12. Encouraging party leaders to engage with the people through FaceBook,in order to have first hand knowledge on the grievance of the people.

In addition,I had to succumb to Police apprehension and countless reports lodged against me by UMNO/BN.In short,I was UMNO/BN's biggest nightmare due to my constant attacks at them.The party hail me as a active and dynamic Director of Communications,performing well above expectations.All these efforts were without party funding,and I had to used my own funding and at times practically begging for financial support from friends.
Meetings after meetings were held in my Communications Bureau to find ways to strengthen the party,and there were many occasions when I was required to travel to Kuala Lumpur for meetings with Party Headquarters Officials,all in the name of the party.No financial assistance was provided for our efforts by the party,we were totally on our own,all in the name of change and for the people,and it was an honour to fight for the people.

Was there a hidden hand who had instigated the President to make such a statement? Even if there was,Wan Azizah as an "intelligent" President of the party, should behave like a President and not stood so low to the demands of greedy leaders,but seek the facts and truth,and not being used by individuals for their own personal agenda.I dare
Dato'Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Azmin Ali, Thamrin Hj.Jaini,Datuk Kong Hong Meng,Jonathan Yassin,Ansari Abdullah,Datuk John Ghani,Roland Chia and all the state leaders to publicly deny that there was never such a post of Communications Director,never was,and I was never the Sabah PKR Director of Communications,as blatantly lied by Wan Azizah.
To answer the thousands of emails,smses and FaceBook messages that I've received,pursuant to my stand.I will never abandon the cause of change,even if I were to leave PKR.My cause is for the people,and have no desire for positions unlike some who crave for a position,but do nothing.My loyalty with the party ends when my loyalty for the people begins.I demand a public apology from the President.