Malaysia's Prime Minister Dato'Seri Najib's infamous
People First, Performance Now slogan is now nothing more than just hot air and hogwash. Sabah’s indigenous communities(left) in the

interior of Penampang are bemoaning and up in arms against the RM 2.8 Billion
Kaiduan Dam which has been approved by the State Government of Sabah. The dam which has yet to obtain any Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) and Social Impact Assessment was given the nod by the State Cabinet via a Letter of Intent(right) to WCT Berhad - yes the same contractor as the Kota Kinabalu International Airport.

The dam(left), if allowed to commence construction, will submerge 12 square km of forest and agricultural lands. What’s worst is, it will totally wipe out 9 villages that have been there for hundreds of years. This is a clear violation of the rights of the natives of Penampang for,
Prior Free and Informed Consent must be obtained as stated in the United Nations Declaration on the rights of indigenous people of which Malaysia is a signatory.
The affected villages are Buayan, Terian, Babagon Laut, Timpayasa, Tiku, Longkogungan

, Kalanggaan, Pongobonon and Kionop. In addition agricultural land in the 5 villages of Bolotikan, Koiduan, Bisuang, Kogopon and Limbahau alongside the Papar river will be severely affected; notwithstanding the complete destruction of the historical heritage and the unique biological and eco-system of Papar and the Crocker range.(location plan-right)

I visited one of the would be affected villages and had the opportunity to speak to Nousi Giun, Chairman of the
Joint Action Committee against the dam.It's unbelievable and shocking that after 46 years on the formation of Malaysia,our journey to the village is a clear shame with all the government slogans and promises-the infrastructures are pathetically still 46 years behind time.To sum up my 1 hour chat with Nousi Giun - he made it explicitly clear that "they’re not interested in any compensation, relocation or compromise. We will defend our native land with our lives". The population of the 9 affected villages is approximately 2500, all bonafide Sabahan natives.
What is even more mind-boggling is that WCT Berhad had the cheek to state in their feasibility

study report(right) to the State Government that the "
Dammed Dam site was uninhabited, which is clearly misleading. No one came to the ground and consulted us", added Nousi. The villager’s plight is also supported by environmentalist and renowned NGO's such as PACOS, JICA and JOAS among others who have also provided financial aid in uplifting the living standards of the villagers running in millions.

On the political front and for the record, Penampang is under UPKO, a component member of the coalition of UMNO/Barisan Nasional. The MP who was once rejected by his own constituents is none other than Tan Sri Bernard Dompok(left). It was reliably learnt that Bernard's silence was because of UMNO's involvement in this dam project. What is even more shocking is that while the natives of Penampang are being ousted from their own lands, Bernard Dompok is busy opening UPKO branches in West Malaysia and recruiting the Orang Asli as members.
Recently as well,I had this rare opportunity in engaging with Datuk Masidi

Manjun(right)-Sabah Minister of Tourism and Environmental in Facebook.The engagement was so intense that he flip flop in his text.He had the cheek to claim ignorance in the Koiduan Dam project and further added that even Bernard Dompok is also unaware of the Dam which is costing RM 2.8 Billion of tax payers money.If this is not conscientious stupidity,then Sabahans have voted a bunch of morons into government.
Is the Sabah Government being administered by a kitchen cabinet,and on a need to know basis?Who is actually calling the shots in Sabah?
The Koiduan Dam is said to be 3 times larger than the Babagon Dam(below right), also situated in Penampang and richly surrounded by timber. Interestingly enough, during my visit, I noticed that logging has already started which perhaps is one of the reasons why the government is adamant in pursuing the project.
The question to ask here is,
"Is this development or destruction?
If it's development for whom is it and at whose expense?"Are Sabah's natives part of
One Malaysia or Gone Malaysia?The government always seems to be putting the cart before the bull - all under the name of
development - a convenient and useful catch-word to camouflage corruption, arrogance and incompetence.
A memorandum is currently in the process and the villagers will not hesitate to hand-deliver the memorandum to his Majesty our beloved King, if the State Government of Sabah proceeds with the dam.
Where is the Huguan Siou who is supposed to be the head of the KDMs. He should be helping the people. And don't bank you luck too much on the King. The king or sultan in Malaysia are in the pocket of the ruling politicians especially the Umno.
ReplyDeleteThis is a blatant insult and disgrace to my fellow KDM's,when we supported the bloody so-called KDM leaders.Our people are being chased out and force out of their own land just to enrich more leaders,and these KDM leaders are not doing anything.
ReplyDeleteHow can Bernard Dompok and Masidi Manjun say they know nothing about this Dam?Everybody knows this,you mean to tell us you bastard Ministers don't know about this?
Penampang Warrior.
It must be assumed that the dam is meant to produce water and power supply.Having the dam may serve it's good purpose, however, the manner in which the govt is handling the project is dead wrong and inhumane. This is a test for the MP and Assemblyman concerned to act or not on behalf of the affected parties in engaging a solution with the State and Federal.
ReplyDeleteA memorandum to the King is just a waste of time and energy. The construction costs is probably less that rgt 2.8 but it costs more in order to fill up the pockets of corrupted officials and it goes from the top to the bottom. Qua vadis from here?
Aiyo..I didn't there is a plan to build Koiduan Dam. I'm not siding anyone, it's just that shouldn't there be an agreement between the Government and the villagers? Beside it's their Native Land anyway.
ReplyDeleteI hope there is an explanation from the Minister involve.
I've heard about this damn before but I thought it is a rumour coz I've been doing Google search about it and nothing came up and suddenly Mr. Ronnie blogs about this today, I am shock.
ReplyDeleteNot trying to condemn the Govt but shouldn't there be a research on the consequences of disrupting the eco-balance of the few effected areas? Especially the agricultural land in Papar that depend on the Papar River itself.
I'm not surprised once the people of the 9 villages comes in and defend their land because what I can see is that there is no agreement and no talks with the villagers. The question now is How Come?
Environment eco-balance on effected areas will be disrupt and causing imbalance. Once the memorandum was send, I hope his Majesty the King will look into this matter.
ReplyDeleteIt would appear the natives of Sabah are smarter than those of Sarawak. Those in Sarawak affected by the Bakun Dam project should do what their brothers and sisters are doing.
ReplyDeleteSadly, clearly and it is proven that the KDM leaders are mere buffaloes dancing to the tunes of their masters...UMNO
ReplyDeleteThe Presidents of PBS, UPKO and PBRS together with all its leaders in the Sabah Cabinet are...TOOTHLESS TIGERS FATTENED AND GAGGED BY UMNO..
Where are you when the KDMs need you most? Why allow the approval without consultation?
My God ... you are driving your own people into the sea and allowing people from the sea to take their place...
Kamu diharap tapi kamu pula yang makan pagar..
PRU 13 you all will be gone. Your tiger stripes will become a scar in your political career. You will be remembered as leaders who sell the KDMs to your political masters.
Do something!!All you Presidents speak out...
What eco-balance you are you people talking about?
ReplyDeleteHah for the YBs and Ministers involved it is the bank balance that counts. Buaya balancelah, to be simple..
Well for the KDMs it is time to fight for your rights! Kada moginum nopo boh aiso suvai kalaja....
The Government can just aquire the land under the Land Aquisition legislation if the so called project is for the good of the community, so in this case without strong opposition the State Govt can just go ahead and build the dam. The kampung people whose kampungs are affected should go all out to resist this project before it is too late.
ReplyDeleteIn fact the government of the day can grab the lands and pay compensation at a rate the government deem fit.
As far as petitioning to the King, forget it, it will just be like another Perak fiasco!
Sorry lah my fellow Sabahans.Good luck
Oi not all KDMs moginum nopo tau..!!!!! But lets face it, we drink and we move on protecting our rights and what is should be our future generations.
ReplyDeleteThese KDM leaders are simply toothless "Kusing" not "Tiger". They are all Remote Control leaders. I tell youuuuu!!!!
Sabahan people should fight for their rights in preserving their lands. I dont they will pay much in compensations.So keep fighting till the end!Let them down!
ReplyDeleteAbout few years ago, i think at about 5 years or less, the people from Kg. Bolitikon and Buayan were forced to leave their KG because the authority told them that their Kgs are located and being gazzetted as National Virgin Jungle Forest Researves and therefore it comes under forest protection. These people are still squatters in their relative houses.
ReplyDeleteNow the so called protected forest is going to be destroyed to give way for the biggest Dam so far. Even Babagon Dam is well under utilize why the need of building another Dam. Don't you think that there is a conspiracy here?
If government has all that money to spare, help these people because the future of this nation is in their hands. Or if the government especial the KDM leaders love the people from sea so much, divert the RM 2.8 million and develop Pulau Gaya and Sembulan Tengah, at least you are helping them by beautifying these eye sore places.
And perhaps it helps to boost tourism juga kan....! or many more orang kita yang miskin in many parts of Sabah.
Is this a new slogan for BN? To rob or not to rob that is the question?... Rob lah ...next election tetap kalah punya. "Bersanang-sanang dahulu, Bujang sanang tetap menang"
Please don't rob from your own fresh blood!!!!!
Aiiiyoo govt do their works you guys pun bising2 ar? govt didn't do anything pun bising juga. Obviously you guys try to make people confused! Aiiyooo..
ReplyDeleteWhat is this Dompok trying to do opening UPKO branches to orang asli, this guy must have been drinking too much. Naavuk nodi!or he must be dreaming. Go fight for the rights of the KDMs first otherwise it is just a disgrace to the name of the party and the late G.S. Sundang.
ReplyDeleteIt pains me, yet again, to see these so called most honourable MP's, instead of voicing out for the people, chose to tuck their tails between their legs and feign ignorance or keep silent. There is nothing houourable in their actions. The big question is, WHY?
ReplyDeleteTNB built a dam in kenyir-Terengganu, and the villagers are happy they got a huge swimming pool in their backyard, which attracts tourist for fishing and jungle trekking.
ReplyDeleteVillagers get to eat plenty of fishes instead of just chicken everyday and everyone else got non-polluting electricity.
Sabahan [Penampang], you are fully aware that YB Tan Sri unable to lead your constituency. You have rejected him once, why elect him this time. He is weak leader. Eventhough he is a party president, PM ignore him.
ReplyDeleteI think you asked to the wrong person. Of course Datuk Masidi didn't know anything about this, i mean he didn't know this well. Because, the one who is in-charge is Datuk Tan Shu Kiah- Minister of Industrial Development. Oh No, you don't even know who is handling this project? Gosh..no.
ReplyDeleteAiyooo...Tony F,
ReplyDeleteDatuk Raymond Tan was merely a stooge to announce the projectlah,and this SOB is no longer the Minister of Industrial Development.The new Minister of this portfolio is the Huguan Siou himself,Pairin the ball-less.
And why shouldn't Masidi be question,isn't the Environmental portfolio under his care?
As a Masidi supporter,I don't blame you for defending him,but please check your facts first.
Ayoyo.. I dont think Bernerd Dompok or Masidi Manjun doesnt know this 2.8 billion Dam Project? The fact is they kept quiet because of Amu No is the master mind of this project.
ReplyDeleteUncle Sam
Damned Kaiduan Dam
ReplyDeleteDompok is a lead actor in an epic film produced by the big boys from the west & in this film they will make Dompok the star a hero that saves everybody..the local audiences love a native hero and so the actor/hero become famous and we idolize the star. Next film by the same big fat boys from the west.
before nasi jadi bubur, do the following:
please go all out to stop this non-sense project.
please make sure those corrupt MPs are out from Parliment in coming election.
First it was the Kg Maang issue. Then it was the MegaLong issue, recently the blatant disrespect of the native burial grounds. Now this!!!! The current bloody idiots who claim to represent the KDMs have proven that they are not fit to protect our rights and constituent. Being a KDM myself, i am utterly shocked and disgusted with the ignorance of these KDM leaders. Their silence is utter proof that they do not know how to respond or react to this issue.
ReplyDeleteI was previously a strong stalwart of PBS but now am proud to say that i made the correct decision to resign from the party.
Sabah natives, like their counterpart in Sarawak are being chased from their own land and yet seem unaware of it. Land is the ONLY thing you have for your children and future generation. Without it, you will be reduced to beggars and that's what Umno want you to be. The surprising thing is that those in cohoot with the devils are the native ministers and kampung heads. In Sabah you have Dompok and in Sarawak they have Jabu. Continue to support BN and soon it will also be "THE END" of native rights and possessions.
ReplyDeleteFrom the East
So what should we do? Is there any solution to supply enuf water to Sabahans? What is the best solution to replace this dam project and at the same time still remains the main purpose to supply enuf water.
ReplyDeleteBetter suggest some solution other than writing on something for nothing.
Hey Mike how come you resign from the party? you should stay and make a changes there. Bersatu teguh bercerai roboh! How could you! All you have to do is stay and speak up, stand for the right of sabahan! Now you bising2 pun aiso no dii guno... isai dii want to hear you now?
ReplyDeleteThe land soon will be gone effect from the rapid development. So you don't have any choice.Suggestion: It is better to the village people move to the new house. Better just buy a new house. Only a suggestion ;)
ReplyDeleteIt is just a rumour and you guys start jumping here and there for nothing.
ReplyDeleteHello Kulou,which planet did you come from?The KDM's are now being force out of their lands.What bull are you asking us for solution?The responsibility lies in the government which is UMNO/BN.
ReplyDeleteI'm being polite,please go polish your shoes elsewhere.How stupid can you be..!!
Penampang Warrior.
The big reason they are protesting against the build of the dam is that..the government has taking away their lands. It will be a huge problem for them since the crack of Babagon Dam last time.I'm not here to protest any side but I personally think that,if it is a good thing for everybody,why not?Win-win situation is vital.
ReplyDeleteKulou like tis project because he is a Sarawakian who like to exploit Sabah.
ReplyDeleteKulou accutually Kolok Mee from Sarawak.
Don't be too emotional penampang warrior. I just asking for others solution. But hey, you cannot find any solution right? So then you angry? I am not that stupid, If i was, how can i speak up and asking for another solution on this matter? Hey think deeply, if you keep saying lots of negative impact on this project then why don't you give another alternative to handle the water problem and the electricity problem....
ReplyDeleteWel Kadazan girl and your husband Jordan like thier own people to suffer. Previosly they say guys and the girls di kampung2 everyday had their own activities. Moginum nopo until tomoning. For the mohoing2 asal dapat koposizon yang ok2 siiikkiiittt na Bulih noh dii kaa....They don't want too much changes.
ReplyDeleteThe husband and wife are wrong we KDM wanted our supremacy just like the Malay in Semenajung.
We drink because it is our traditional.
Since politicians are less enthusiastic to get involved in the Kaiduan Dam, this is the time NGOs come into effective play. The 3 NGOs should take the lead. It is a matter of promoting and selling the idea to this NGOs.
ReplyDeleteDear Cynlyn, i resigned because i lost faith in the leadership. I used to voice out many issues concerning the KDM community. Initially, the party was very vocal in their struggle to protect our rights and were raising them thru all the media channels. However,after getting the high positions and benefits that come with it, the leaders have somehow lost their "voices" due to it being gagged.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, bottom line is I LOST CONFIDENCE IN THE LEADERSHIP!!!
You people are barking up the WRONG tree..getting excited about NOTHING because got NOTHING else to do; kesiaaannnnn
ReplyDeleteHi Anon,
ReplyDeleteWhy u said we are dogs barking? Show your true color. We have lots of important task to do and one of it is to be the Tuan of our own land. Our land is all what we got.
Why always UMNO dictate our life here? We the Kadazan Warrior in Sabah and Iban in Sarawak should be supreme in this part of Borneo. Mahathir always want Malay to be supreme in Semenanjung and treat the Chinese and India as 2nd class but not us natives.
ReplyDeleteWhy we the natives can not have our right here? When Malaya "invite" us, North Borneo and Sarawak were two "nations".
We Sabahans and Sarawakians have to chart our own destiny. We have gambled our votes with BN and until today we do not have our own dedicated TV channels for the rakyat in this part of Malaysia. September 16 was thought to be TYT birthday and not formation of Malaysia. This is the reason why we do not know what happening? If we see news in Astro, there are hardly any news about Sabah and Sarawak.
Wake up we will over thrown KerbauDalangMelayu Pairin,Kurap and Maximus and bring up NEW WARRIORS from the Natives of Borneo.
This issue can be resolved provided their is a political will.But the pros and cons MUST be argued rationally and pragmatically and the end result MUST benefit the rakyat.We cannot be inclined left or right at this point in time and we should all look at it at the same angle.
ReplyDeleteP.S. this DOG barking wrong tree guy should refrain from make unintelligent remarks...we kesiaaannn him lah!
I've never heard bout Kaiduan Dam before... hmmm at least I know :)
ReplyDeleteBut I think the best way for the time being is we give suggestion in a proper way rather than keep blaming 1 party...
I hope gov and the villagers can finding better solutions in this case for benefits of all:)
ReplyDeletehmmm buat salah, x buat pun salah... adii masalah betul orang zaman sekarang:P
ReplyDeleteApapun saya harap semua pihak amalkan win-win situation:) hehehhe
A new nation is born
ReplyDeleteIn 10 to 20 years time, most of the older UMNO leaders will no longer be around to protect the interest of the young but weak and lazy Malays.
The Malaysian economy is bound to collapse under the weight of the existing policies, and the Malays will face a real-life dilemma. They will realize too late that NEP is worst than consuming drugs.
Their future generations will end up like the South Africans.
Malaya will become a colony of Indonesia, while Sabah becomes a part of the Philippines.
Sarawak, Singapore and Brunei unite to form a new nation, and use English as the official language.
United States of Singapore
October 2009
Rumamai tokou boh, In Sabah it is Dompok, in Sarawak it is Jabu, lala lama semua jadi abu.
ReplyDeleteOf course we all want equal rights here in Malaysia. But it's not going to happen, no matter what. You tell this to the Malays. They will just hentam you back: "Why can't you just accept that the Malays will always rules." Or that "It is the Malay people's rights, because back when the British ruling, the Malays are sadly neglected, so this is their compensation...blah...blah...There is just no use talking to the Malays. Cause to them, it is our own fault that we are born any other races, other than Malay.
ReplyDeleteKDMs, Chinese, Indians will never exceed the Malay supremacy. This is Malaysia, people.
Bravo! anon Oct 8 10:10 I just like you foresight. You are definitely right.
ReplyDeleteI take my hat to you my friend.
I have taken the steps not to be in Sabah long time ago because I forsee this will happene, so now I am living overseas just in case it come too soon.heh heh heh I really love the way you see things...Many will think you and I are crazy but as it is now it is moving towards that..
Any solution to this? How can we replace this dam and still remain the main purpose?
ReplyDeleteYo! pips..calm down yo! some of us have our own -ve and +ve view to this project yo! Don't try to make it hot yo... don't blaming on others opinion coz they got right on it yo...so whatever it is stand on your own opinion!
ReplyDeleteHaving a new dam ? good idea since we are facing so much problem on water supply. However, someone will suffer bec.of progress and development somehow. it is only a matter who would be the victim ??!! so how?
ReplyDeleteAre we going to be stagnant or we welcome changes? Not easy to be in the government ??!! How to resolve ?
Are we going to blame the BN government ? what would happen if PKR is in power ? sure the same issue will arise unless not having new dam !!suggest a better idea to solve the issue to the govt.
Guess a proper feasibility study and management of the project is crucial .Do it to benefit the people in the long run not out of political agenda
hey anonymous oct 8, 2009 10:01 AM..
ReplyDeletehahah i am laughing when i read your comment. but lets fix on somthing. i think sabah should join Sarawak, Brunei and Singapore. Hehe must be cool huh!! English will be our official language-If only my granny still alive then they must be hapie dapie-
I am here not to make any protest or making this dam project more complicated or whatever.... just an imagination, a view when sabah+sarawak+brunei+singapore....waaaaa...
Please don't wake me up!
Enjoy your Friday folks!
ReplyDeleteI love the way you think. It'll be so much better if we just join Singapore and Brunei. At least Brunei gave their people free electricity and such... The chinese people would be really happy with Singapore ruling.
True, true...Don't wake me up, ever. I'm happier in laa-laa-land.
Govt try to solve Sabahans problem by running this dam project. We should thank govt for helping us solving the electricity problem and the water problem.
ReplyDeleteI think the orang2 kg who are effected by this project should agree to running it.
This is for our long term uses. We still can move to other land or buy houses. But how can we solving our electricity and water problem? This is for our own good.
Too much bloody assumption with no solutions in hand.Stop bickering this, this and that. Now, let's meet up and sit in one table and discuss what the solutions would be instead of flaming, bickering and bombarding each other's comments. Quite childish don't you think? Huff..
ReplyDeleteSabah join Sarawak+Brunei+Singapore? And what name would the union be? Republic of SSBS? I can imagine about it. Weird.
I'm taking a break from the comp. Tea anyone?
ReplyDeleteTo stand for our own right is not wrong. To build a dam for our city future clean water and power supply are governments responsibility. Nothing wrong of it. Wish all of us be rational. Negotiation still the best way to come out a win win situation for the natives and development.Totally reject of this project means hundred of thousand of peoples water supply in future will effected.
ReplyDeleteIt might include the next generation from the villages effected who move to the city.
You all only talk about people who are live in kg but how about people who are live in city? The electricity always interupted and this is effect to their business. Have you guys think about it?
ReplyDeletePlease don't use orang kampung to prevent this project. Govt not that stupid to request for this project without debating the pros and contras.
"I put my hands up they play my song the butterflies fly away!"
They should have been sorting out things before this damn project done.Yeah,thorough discussions are needed.Things will never get to its position until we are ready to be there.Peeps,this is our future.The world is shrinking.I can't predict anything further but what is the main concern right now is,think of your benefit instead of problems all the ways.
ReplyDeleteObviously, we are living under the rules of inhuman politician.. The worst part is, Borneo is becoming bald because of all these.. What a waste.. Conserve the forest, save the earth,save humanity, people..
ReplyDeleteLet us all emigrate overseas, and let the Malays and PTI's rule their own country. Since they think they would do a better job without us. *smirk*
ReplyDeletecome on villages effected, government, ngo etc.
ReplyDeletelet sit and talk.
in sarawak, Bakun dam is already sufficient. why need another 12 dams plus this dam in sabah?
ReplyDeleteI have already migrated and I am watching all the drama unfolding in Malaysia!
ReplyDeleteGood Luck my fellow Sabahans
Hi people, a new era is coming come 2012, so be prepared for the global change. And Malaysia will not be spared, a new begining in Malaysian politics and leadership. It has already started. The Umno/BN era is going to be history after Bagan Pinang!
ReplyDeleteIn Sabah be prepared for a change, and do not be surprised that Sabah BN will be Barisan PKR.
On the other hand be prepared for natural disasters too and Sabahans should stick together to survive the change...
This is from the DE, what do you people think of this? Is there such a thing in other countries or are we encouraging something?
ReplyDeleteSchools to cater for Indon kids
Published on: Saturday, October 10, 2009
Kota Kinabalu: The Indonesian Government is planning to build its own schools to cater for her nationals in the State.
Its Acting Consul-General for Sabah, Bapak Rudhito Widagdo, said his government is also planning to set up a branch Consul Office in Tawau to help nationals at the border apply for proper documents to enter the State.
Rudhito said this to Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman when he paid a courtesy call on the latter at the VVIP room at Kota Kinabalu International Airport (KKIA) Friday afternoon before the Chief Minister left for Kuala Lumpur enroute to Bagan Pinang where he would continue his campaign for BN candidate, Tan Sri Mohd Isa Abdul Samad.
Bapak Rudhito informed Musa about the willingness of his government to buy or acquire land or site at the Kota Kinabalu Industrial Park (KKIP) in Sepanggar for the proposed schools.
He also briefed Musa on the Indonesian Government's plans to set up its branch consul office in Tawau to assist the State Government in regards with the workers from Indonesia who mostly enter this State to seeking jobs via Tawau as their entry point.
Rudhito said a consul office branch in Tawau would help to assist Indonesian workers entering the State through Tawau to provide them with proper valid travel documents.
It would also help boths the Government of Indonesia and Sabah (Malaysia) with regards with the border crossing.
ReplyDeleteRonnie for your info,regarding the proposed Koiduan Dam with the Sabah Cabinets nod.'Proposal that had no consultation with the 100% of our people who live there for hundreds years.Please be informed that the sama'buldozing system by the BN/UMNO government of Sabah is secretly ongoing with an ernourmous Dam Project at the Kadamaian River at Kg.Tambatuon in Kota Belud,worth billion of RM also.No consultation being done with the villages concern.The affected population are DUSUNS and we need Joint Acton to handle this buldozing approach of the government. Please take time to investigate this matter too. TQ
Gunsiou Kadamaian
Dear Anon Oct 11.2009 8.23am,
ReplyDeleteThank you for highlighting this to me,appreciate it very much.I will certainly verify the authenticity of your information and concern.
However I would appreciate in future if you would forward such info to me via my email at the sidebar of my blog.
Thank you and have a pleasant week ahead
Dear Anon (Oct 10, 5:21am)
ReplyDeleteThe Bakun Dam does not cater to East Malaysians! You nitwit. It would suffice if they didn't transfer all that electricity to West Malaysia. Didn't you read the damn papers? They rather supply the electricity all the way across the sea to WM and would not consider supplying to Sabah, when we are only next door to Sarawak!!! Why do you think Sabahans have to endure more than 10 hours of power cut per day. You must be a bloody West Malaysian if you didn't know this. So just shut up and enjoy your endless power supply over there.
Dear Ronnie,
ReplyDeleteAre there any more blogs like your which bring forward the plight of the Natives in Sabah?
"the sama'buldozing system by the BN/UMNO government of Sabah is secretly ongoing with an ernourmous Dam Project at the Kadamaian River at Kg.Tambatuon in Kota Belud,worth billion of RM also." - Dear Anon (Oct 11.2009 8.23am)
ReplyDeleteOh my, another Dam Project and it was a secret? Damn. How many dam do we exactly need? If it's for electricity and water supply, then so be it and I don't mind. But if it's just only to supply to WM and destroying environment balance, I'm against it.
If it's true that there is another secret Dam Project, then this will surely cause a stir and uproar among the people.
More questions but no answer.
So, it is either "Aye" or "Nay"
A school and council for Indonesians? The Indon government and people are too full of themselves. Did you see the way they treated our students there in Indon? They pelted rotten eggs at them, and also pelted stones at the first-aid helicopters! Now they expect us to welcome them with open arms?!! You got to be kidding. You would be lucky if we didn't pelt you back with century (rotten) eggs.
ReplyDeleteAn eye for an eye. Gayang Indonesia!!!
To Jesselton Warrior.
ReplyDeleteI know you are pissed. But we really need to act just like them? Besides, they are just a bunch of bloody idiots who doesn't read histories anyway. Relax and chill.
Anon (October 10, 2009 1:32PM)
About the school? I don't know what to say. Guess have to wait what the State government would say to the press at least.
Anyway,c'mon Jesselton Warrior. Let's go and play games on PS3. That might cool you down faster.
Lots of big issues. The plights of Sabah.
ReplyDeleteWe need to sit and talk in one room to find the solution.
There is no need to say "you're wrong" or "you're right" here.
The Dam Project should be review and weight it between the cons and pros. A billion worth of project is a huge sums of money.
Now, they wouldn't want to waste taxpayers money, would they?
A tit for a tat.
Whatever it is, this project raise more questions than answers.
ReplyDeleteBut I hope there is an explanation about this.
Just my feelings tho'.
At least, govt shows their effort to solve the problems. But some people just sit there and quekquekquek complaining on this and that but in the end the problem is still there!
ReplyDeleteAiyoo teapot..you must be a UMNO/BN crackpot to even have the nerve to say govt shows efforts to solve the problems.
ReplyDeleteThe only effort the govt is showing here is squandering the rakyats money to enrich themselves.You really make me sick.
Why? are you mad at me? bcoz of u are the one who is quekquekquek there, doing nothing! huh boilingpot! shameshame!
ReplyDeleteYeah well, Mr. Boilingpot.
ReplyDeleteThat is teapot' point of view. You can't change 'em. He/she is looking at the brightsight. Unlike you, negativeness is conquering your mind.
So, stop your bitching and complaining. And before that, no, I'm not a BN crackpot either.
Not enough water you all make noise, not enough electricity you all make noise, when steps taken to make enough water supply you all make noise, when steps taken to make more electricity supply you all make noise! What you all want? Go back to stoneage ?
ReplyDeleteAnon, Oct 12, 2009 3:50
ReplyDeleteStone age? Good idea. I always wanted to live like the Flintstones.
we are human and we have our own interest. Same goes to this Dam Project. We all know that this project will ruin the natives land and at the same time brings benefit to all Sabahans. But whatever it is I do hope that all Sabahan will choose the right solution.
ReplyDeleteHai seh what you talk of Native Land, now no more Native Land it is PTI land already and Umno boleh land.
ReplyDeleteSoon the KDM will have to go to the mountains or live on boats in the sea with the Huguan Siou sitting on the stage in the middle of the boat.
The PTI with their Umno gang will rule Sabah happily ever after.
Good day mate!I think it is time for us to leave our shells.Listen,this is the only chance for us to have water supply.Tell me if you want to drink rain water.Without this dam,I can assure that things will never get to its end.
ReplyDeleteWhere is our Huguan Siou and those who claim them self to be our tribe leader? Our land, our possession our right are seem to be a series of subtraction. Please stand forward and stand firm to fight for us but not fight for your self. If all of you are coward, please go away and let our true worrier to confront our adversary.
ReplyDeletetambunan spirit
1 thing for sure... If this dam is built for benefit of all... I'm going to say yes and will support the gov decision :)
ReplyDeleteTrue Joanne... there's pros and cons in this project... So, let's hope gov can made a better solution :)
ReplyDeleteNot Huguan Siou it is Huguan Guntolou.
ReplyDeleteEven the siga he wears must have the tontolou symbol.
The original and brave Huguan Siou is long gone in the plane crash. What we have in Sabah is a situation like Dalai Lama when he chose the Panchen Lama but was overuled by China which appointed their Panchen Lama instead of recognising the real Panchen Lama.
The Sabah Huguan Siou is just like the buffalo with the "Kakang" and led by the nose.
I don't think that our huguan siou didn't do their job! we don't know what happen there....we should also think the +ve effect on this project other than just toward the -ve effect. We have 2 side which totally effected to this dam project. People in rural and the city folks. But mostly the +ve effect goes to all Sabahan. We cannot choose either one of it. But if they ask me, i would choose to build the dam (but consider to suitability of the land and many others reason) This benefits goes to all Sabahan not even to city folks but also to the rural area. But at the same time give the compensation to the rural area who are effected to this.
ReplyDeleteRead in DE.. There is a call to relocate to a suitable aread for the Dam Project.
ReplyDeleteSo, to all those who oppose, rejoice and keep hoping.
Kami amat dahagakan bekalan letrik yang ifisensi, mesra alam dan murah. Bekalan air yang bersih serta penyaluran yang sempurna. Tetapi kami berharap pencapaian matlamat ini tidak berlandaskan pengorbanan alam serta penempatan keluarga kami.
Hurrmmm...dam..as long as this can supply enough water and enough electricity then why not we running this project!
ReplyDeleteLads and gents,
ReplyDeleteWe are in the 21st century and we need to make a shift.This dam is meant to all kinds of folks.Think ahead.Good thing will not come twice in life.:)
Kita perlu kuasa lektrik, tapi bolehkah kerajaan laksanakan projek berkenaan di lokasi yang lebih sesuai dan tidak menimbulkan kontrovosi?
ReplyDeleteAman damai
Thanks to our govt for taking an effort to solve the black out problem and water problem! Somehow this has dragging a lot of resistance. But don't worry folks we can solve this problem and will had the win win situation here!
ReplyDeleteI believe our 2,500 country folk are not reject the project. Hope state government will do more research, more communication, more negotiation about the project.
ReplyDeleteLets look at China mega Three Gorges Dam.
WE may learn from them.
Think Big.
Whatever it is we should not scold on anybody for this. Peace be with you all Sabahans.
ReplyDeletelets not get one-sided here! why should we sacrifice the natives' land for the sake of electricity? is it the only way to make electricity?
ReplyDeleteCity folk : We need power and clean water.
ReplyDeleteCountry folk : We want our land.
Government : Ok ba, we will look for a better and proper location.
City and country folk : Hurray...! Malaysia boleh, Sabah boleh.
Guys, hey guys the dam is already in a process to be relocated. Now the discussion is to find the new location for this dam. When we speak up govt will always respect our opinion and always try to find any solution to make us feel better. So chill folks, everything going to be fine soon.
ReplyDeleteAir dan elektrik merupakan sumber yang amat penting bagi penduduk setempat.Maka,saya syorkan pembinaan empangan seharusnya dijalankan di tempat2 yang tidak mempunyai kepadatan penduduk yang tinggi.Saya faham dengan keluhan mereka.Menurut berita,mereka membantah pembinaan tersebut adalah kerana tanah tersebut adalah khas tuk pembinaan gereja.Jalan papar lama merupakan pilihan yang terbaik.
ReplyDeletehi gloria, you sure about relocat of the dam?
ReplyDeletethats good news for those effected.
Actually Sabahans are very stupid. They are like dogs, waggling their tails for their master of puppet UMNO. Landslide win by UMNO and the kuli-kuli political parties of Sabah during the last election was a proof. What else? Musa is a God to them, or us. Perhaps he is a chosen one in terms of getting rich the quickest. Not to say the Chosen One like one of the prophets but one of the modern SATAN. Look at his smile. Any show of pitiness to ordinary bumiputeras of Sabah? No way.
ReplyDeletePoliticians from Malaya do not like pure Sabahan to lead the major political parties in Sabah. Even the PKR. And do you think that you can rely on the coward huguan siow. No way. Look at him on the paper with musa. Everytime near musa. So obedient and shameful. Tootheless I can say.
So, it's time for a major change. Overhaul the sabahan machinery and replace it with a new and strong machine that can counter the evils from MALAYA. This can be a solution to these stupid dams things. Before I pen off, just try to imagine the face of musa aman surrounded by the kayu balak and mega projects. Common man, he is not a pure sabahan. Just kick his pantat from sabah. In China, they shot a corrupted person. Why not in Malaysia. If the government cannot do it, try our bakakuk, instead.
hmmm... Good idea Joshua :)
ReplyDeletewe should try to think +vely and try to come out with the best solutions:)
No need to keep blaming 1 party...
p/s manala tau idea kita boleh d terima oleh para pemimpin... hehhehehe
Sabahans not that bad actually...like a dog? no la....mayb you are not Sabahans that's why your opinion like that. I am not going to blame and arguing on your opinion. It is yours and i can't change your negatively thinking on our Govt. But hey speaking on negatively thought will not make u a better one.
ReplyDeletewhy not we having a discussion nicely...
Dear Anon (October 17, 2009 3:51 PM)
ReplyDeleteYou know what makes me pissed? I am sick and pissed at people like you who keeps calling the Sabahan people bloody PLAIN STUPID! Yes, the Sabahan maybe made a mistake by voting them but hey, they are just human you imbecile. What right do you have to call Sabahn people like that.
The way you talk, are most likely a migrated Sabahan. Talk with the names lah, not behind anonymosity.
Do you think that you can change in wink of magic? It takes step by step to change you git. Think before you speak. Do you think you can just go and rule and change everything and clean up the messes that happens for years? Not that easy my friend. Not that easy.
And who said Musa is not a Sabahan? Are you blind? He is a Sabahan nevertheless. He has the Dusun blood even if he is a gaijin.
Don't start your yapping like you are god-damn-great. Do you want to be like the Indonesians or the terrorist by striking violence and guns? Use the brain lah brother. Using bakakuk and violence is not the answer. Meja bermuafakat ada, apa guna.
We are talking about the bloody dam here. Good thing there is a call for relocation.
Keep on hoping and rejoice people. As long there is a suitable site, that is all that matters.
-Chilling out & tbc-
Tony F. I gotta agree with you.
ReplyDeleteNegative thought will not make you a better one.
Why not try and look from a different but positive angle about this project?
Yes, I don't agree building the Dam on effected areas but it is better to discuss.
Besides, there is still hope and rooms for discussion. (",)
Thanks to our govt by taking an action to this matter. This is for our own good.!! No more power interupted, no more problem in supplying water....
ReplyDeleteSometimes we should feel free to give our gov credit :)
ReplyDeleteThey did a lot of things for our own good...
Hope government will soon work out a win win solution for this matter.
Don't worry people.... Everything going to be ok soon. ;)
ReplyDeleteNo dam - having a problem in supplying water and Still having the electrical problem....then the one who is suffering from this matter, no other than Sabahans alone.
Just be patient and see how is the outcome. Do not simply accuse any parties. Think of those who must force to leave their home land that there have settled decades long. But how about those who lack of clean water and power in the future?
Yes, I do agree that people should not have to leave their homes while we are in pursuit of clean water and energy. But we do need water and energy supply. This is where we need to come up with a solution that can ensure a win-win situation. So that all can benefit from it.
ReplyDeletePeople who are effected to this project can move to another land. Govt should provide land to them. But if clean water where should we get it? There is no choice to have a clean water.
ReplyDeleteJika pembinaan empangan ini tidak dapat dielakkan, harap pampasan atau ganti rugi untuk yang terjejas adalah setimpa.
Sekarang ni kita hanya boleh berharap agar penyelesaian yang dibuat dapat memberikan semua pihak manfaat:)
ReplyDeletewhat can i say? people who says they understand the affected villagers sensitivity right now about the proposal kaiduan dam, was actually not. then again, they said the dam it is for sabahan's goods. some says, why bother? there will be a compensation and land will be given to those affected villagers. my kampung will be the water catchment or water treatment or whatever hell it is called if the dam is on. i'm not against in whatever the gov is doing for its rakyat's good. but, must they sacfrices us for the good of other rakyats? they complain, moaning and nagging about the lack of power and water supply. but if we go to the housing and the houses kampung...we will see decor lights put on in their garden all night long. lepas tu complain..why power cut sija. kami ni macam itu lamb offering. kana korot untuk sumua orang makan. let us see what happen to those people yg sana bakun in sarawak tu. what i heard, until today...they haven't been given a compensation yet as what it has been promised earlier. kana buat rumah panjang saja. and then yang babagon people. kena pindah sana tampasak...macam itu squatters saja. i just don't understand bah, why mau buat dam when there were living soul sana. can they just build somewhere when there is no habitants? like one person i read in newspaper suggested the dam should be build in ulu mandalipau. safety first mah..is sabah rich enough ka if something happen macam di jakarta...the dam burst. or do we forget already yang greg's disaster tu? touch wood la...if that happen kan, i bet...those people yang bilang oke bah tu dam kana buat...they will say...aiyaa...tu la...kenapa bah mau buat itu dam di sana...bloody two-faces! i'm sori for my comment. but i can't help it. i love my place..it is so peaceful there. yet, last2 tempat water hell apa suda tu...i can't say no more. come what may...
ReplyDeleteAs I always say, please build the dam where human population is lowest.
ReplyDeletethose people who suggested this, they only think of $$.. if they really concern about rakyat, they would not even suggest this..they have their own interest..they could be those who are living on up the hill..haha they're not affected..if anything happened, they just watch...damn those people!
ReplyDeleteDam project = Area with the lowest population or no living souls around at all.
ReplyDeleteCan't there be any happy ending for this people?
ReplyDeleteYes, no doubt this dam brings benefits to all of us but no one should be driven out of their Natives Land just to make way for this project.
If you keep quite they will stab you at the back for their own purposes. To all people in Kampun Kaiduan, voice out. Do not let them to ruin your peaceful village. I love to see the kampung during PBS under Datuk Ariah Tengku Ahmad in year 1980's. Whoever can recall the late Elizabeth Robert Bohuang. She did very well with Datuk Ariah to bring up this village. Please Sabahan people, do not selfish. Do not ruin the life of people in Kampung Kaiduan anymore. I will not shut up my mouth as a part of the Kg Kaiduan people.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you Anon. Our KDM leaders are just toothless puppets and cradled by stolen prosperity. The monster puppeteers are behind them even lustier them Lucifer. KDM has no hero. Our representatives have turned to our enemy. The enemy that will crucify all the KDMs. This reflection of Lucifer will evacuate and occupy our lands and steal our properties. Making a way for the aliens. Breastfeed these beasts and let us die in hunger. This paraphrase remains forever as long as the creatures from outer space reside in our land. Poor even our bakakuks does not work and long ago we had dumped our sindaat.
ReplyDeleteUnited Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples states that ;
ReplyDeleteArticle 8
2. States shall provide effective mechanisms for prevention of, and redress for:
(b) Any action which has the aim or effect of dispossessing them of their lands, territories or resources;
(c) Any form of forced population transfer which has the aim or effect of violating or undermining any of their rights;
Article 10
Indigenous peoples shall not be forcibly removed from their lands or territories. No relocation shall take place without the free, prior and informed consent of the indigenous peoples concerned and after agreement on just and fair compensation and, where possible, with the option of return.
Article 13
2. States shall take effective measures to ensure that this right is protected and also to ensure that indigenous peoples can understand and be understood in political, legal and administrative proceedings, where necessary through the provision of interpretation or by other appropriate means.
Article 18
Indigenous peoples have the right to participate in decision-making in matters which would affect their rights, through representatives chosen by themselves in accordance with their own procedures, as well as to maintain and develop their own indigenous decision-making institutions.
Article 19
States shall consult and cooperate in good faith with the indigenous peoples concerned through their own representative institutions in order to obtain their free, prior and informed consent before adopting and implementing legislative or administrative measures that may affect them.
Article 26
1. Indigenous peoples have the right to the lands, territories and resources which they have traditionally owned, occupied or otherwise used or acquired.
2. Indigenous peoples have the right to own, use, develop and control the lands, territories and resources that they possess by reason of traditional ownership or other traditional occupation or use, as well as those which they have otherwise acquired.
3. States shall give legal recognition and protection to these lands, territories and resources. Such recognition shall be conducted with due respect to the customs, traditions and land tenure systems of the indigenous peoples concerned.
Article 28
1. Indigenous peoples have the right to redress, by means that can include restitution or, when this is not possible, just, fair and equitable compensation, for the lands, territories and resources which they have traditionally owned or otherwise occupied or used, and which have been confiscated, taken, occupied, used or damaged without their free, prior and informed consent.
2. Unless otherwise freely agreed upon by the peoples concerned, compensation shall take the form of lands, territories and resources equal in quality, size and legal status or of monetary compensation or other appropriate redress.
Article 32
1. Indigenous peoples have the right to determine and develop priorities and strategies for the development or use of their lands or territories and other resources.
2. States shall consult and cooperate in good faith with the indigenous peoples concerned through their own representative institutions in order to obtain their free and informed consent prior to the approval of any project affecting their lands or territories and other resources, particularly in connection with the development, utilization or exploitation of mineral, water or other resources.
3. States shall provide effective mechanisms for just and fair redress for any such activities, and appropriate measures shall be taken to mitigate adverse environmental, economic, social, cultural or spiritual impact.
Is there anyone there can interpret this for us? the government trespass our land? Can we prefer international judgment for this case? In what way???? Someone there please help the natives…………
Memang la ramai yang tidak puas hati dengan perkara ni...
ReplyDeleteApapun sama-sama la kita berdoa dan berharap agar perkara dapat diselesaikan dengan baik.
Apapun keputusan yang dipilih, saya berharap ia membawa manfaat kepada rakyat Sabah keseluruhannya.
ReplyDeleteBikin kesian ba orang kampungtu... kalau la saya ada POWER kan best...
ReplyDeletesekarang ni kita hanya mampu berharap dan berdoa agar semuanya selesai dengan gembira.
ada perubahan sudah ka kes ni? apa sudah ceritanya...
ReplyDeleteharap2 OK la jawapannya kio :)
Apapun kesudahan kes ni saya harap ia yang terbaik untuk negeri Sabah dan rakyat Sabah khususnya :)
ReplyDeleteSekarang ni tak ada gunanya kita terus menyalahkan mana2 pihak.
ReplyDeleteSaya harap kedua-dua pihak akan mengamalkan win-win situation :)
Let's hope and pray everything's will be OK :)
ReplyDeleteSo, whatever it is, I hope both parties can come out with the best solution for goodness sake :)
Kalau buat Dam ni sudah tidak dapat dielakkan... Ba, apa lagi boleh kita buat... Tapi saya harap pampasan yang dibagi tu betul2 cukup dan berbaloi kepada penduduk yang terlibat...
ReplyDeleteMemang la kesian tapi kalau sampai terpaksa buat pilihan mungkin saya sendiripun akan sokong pembinaan Dam ini jika inilah keputusan yang terbaik dan bawa manfaat yang banyak kepada rakyat Sabah..
ReplyDeleteApapun saya tetap berharap agar kedua-dua pihak dapat menyelesaikan perkara ni tanpa perbalahan :)
Sudah ada persetujuan ka antara dua pihak ni... macam lama pula tak dengar isu ni...
ReplyDeletesaya harap Ok la hasilnya kio :)
Saya pun macam dah lama tidak dengar perkembangan kes ni ooo... Harap2 perkara ni da ada penyelesaian yang baik...
ReplyDeleteKadang2 susah juga ba mahu buat pilihan... tapi kalau terpaksa juga, ba apa boleh buat...
Asalkan pilihan itu bagi manfaat kepada lebih ramai pihak... saya sokong ja :)
without a change there is no improvement. i believe this dam project will give more benefits to the people than disadvantages.
ReplyDeletesetuju sama ko Gabriel. mesti ada perubahan untuk sedikit kemajuan. dengan adanya tu empangan, rakyat akan dapat menikmati faedahnya bersama dan untuk jangkamasa panjang.
ReplyDeleteMixed gates.. add structural bridge.... combo looks tempting. Seaman