Take the case of DAP political aide Teoh Beng Hock for instance. I was recently told by a friend that Teoh’s spirit was reportedly seen by some people, especially those with what the Taoists called the ‘ying-yang eyes’ i.e. possessing the ability to see ghosts or spirits.
Among these individuals was an unidentified little girl (age unknown) who had not only seen Teoh’s spirit wandering about near his workplace but also reportedly became ‘acquainted’ with Teoh’s spirit after a few encounters.

This was recently reported by Malaysia’s leading Chinese language political weekly, the Special Weekly in its 452nd’s issue, which focused on the issue of Teoh’s second autopsy which has been scheduled for this coming Nov 22, following an application by the late Teoh’s family.

The Weekly later managed to track down the parents of this mysterious little girl but its attempt to interview them in order to verify what it had gathered earlier failed when the parents declined to speak, except for saying that they are non-believers.

With Teoh’s second autopsy on Sunday 22nd November, this particular report by the Weekly has now become a hot topic among the Chinese community in the country, especially those in Peninsular Malaysia.

They (the Chinese community) are anxiously waiting to see whether the second autopsy would yield some new evidence that would match and confirm the earlier statement by renowned Thai pathologist Dr Pornthip Rojansunand during the recent inquest on Teoh’s death that there is a 80 percent of it being homicide.

It is a known fact in some countries like Thailand, Taiwan, Hong Kong (China) that the spirit of homicide victims had led the relevant authorities to solve crimes contributing to their homicide.

Without FEAR or FAVOUR - These are very crucial elements in a democracy without which we would merely be an autocracy or ‘wayangcracy’ (more akin to Malaysian democracy - nothing more than institutionalized (government) play-acting).
To be fair and seen to be fair all institutions of enforcement or law & justice should be truly independent. And for this to happen there should be no politicians or political appointees involved in the administration, organization and management of these agencies.
One way of doing this is to bring in the rulers council and Parliament to oversee and ensure fairness in these agencies. If all goes well, the Malaysian people will have a closer rapport with the rulers and this will lead to truer democracy and Malaysia will be on the way to greater heights.
But the golden catch-words would still be “ true transparency” and “sincerity”.
An avid reader forwarded this video clip to me which certainly depicts despicable abuse of power and brutality of the highest order.I urge the Prime Minister of Malaysia Datuk Sri Najib Tun Razak to personally answer to all Malaysians.Surely this is not 1Malaysia.
May the spirits bring justice to the late Teoh Beng Hock.
ReplyDeleteYes,I fully agree with Ronnie,Najib must answer,is this how the PDRM treat Malaysians? Even human beings will not treat animals like how these police bastards treated the poor guy.
The police cannot deny in this video clip that it's not them.
Those police personals should be put in the ZOO as food for the Tigers and Lions.Malaysia Boleh.
ReplyDeleteHello Najib,is this 1Malaysia?
Rakyat Malaysia.
Barisan Permimpin PKR Sabah sepatutnya mengikut jejak langkah Saudara Ronnie-berani,berjuang untuk rakyat dan sangub korban untuk rakyat.
ReplyDeleteSaya berada diTawau semasa barisan pimpinan berada disini.Hanya tahu naik nama sendiri saja,orang macam ini semua sudah basi dan bahu macam najis.
PKR Tawau.
In 52 years of Independence,our beloved country is now under attack within.May the truth be unveil with this second autopsy,there is danger developing and sweats are showing among the corridors of power.
ReplyDeleteCrime Minister has very conveniently left the country to avoid all the publicity and fanfare about to erupt.Malaysians patiently await the people responsible for the death of Teoh Beng Hock be brought to justice and crucified by the highest order of the law.
apa salah itu orang yg kena pukul?..
ReplyDeletelanggar lari atau pencuri atau ah long?..
kalau ah long sia setuju kena pukul... pasal diarong kalau orang tida dapat byar kena pukul atau kena bunuh .
first we need to know why he was beaten up. If it was becos of merompak ka, merogol ka, meragut, langgar lari org ... street justice is sometimes needed. a lil harsh but i believe in doing a little bad for a greater good. more beneficial to the public. however, as soon as proper authorities is present, they should take immediate control of the situation. anyone knows what was this about?
Right or wrong,that Chinese guy shouldn't be beaten up in such a manner.The police in uniform and the detectives are clearly seen performing their brutal acts.
ReplyDeleteThe Crime Minister,Hishamuddin and Musa Hassan must answer to the people.The truth has yet to prevail,was Teoh Beng Hock and Kugan treated in this manner before their deaths?
Rakyat Malaysia.
aiks... what was this about????
ReplyDeleteOMG... But I want to know why he was beaten up???
ReplyDeleteanyone know about this....
Can those PDRM be sued? Their faces are being videod,they cant escape. Where are those Human Rights Activest????
ReplyDeleteBring this matter to the Human Rights HQ!!!!
I am so sick to see how that poor guy being totured!!!
What crime did he commit to be subjected to such violent torture???
Poor Kugan,TBH and thousands more that has gone thru the brutalities of the Police.
What goes round comes around....may you all suffer worst than what you have done unjusticely.
There must be no cover-up in the 2nd autopsy, the perpetrators/murderers must be punish to the full extend of the law.The same applies to the "demonic" police personals involved in the video clip.This kind of brutality is barbaric and inhuman,no matter what crime was committed by the victim.
ReplyDeleteOur Malaysian police are corrupt and tainted,and a complete overhaul is seriously needed to restore some dignity,if at all it's possible.Pakatan Rakyat must double their efforts in ensuring the UMNO/BN government is shown the way out in the next election.
I've read a rumour with shock in the Cyberspace that Sabah's PKR Communications Director has tendered his resignation.If there's any truth to this rumour,PKR Sabah is ignorantly incompetent and lack leadership qualities.Has the leadership of PKR Sabah gone MAD?
Cyberspace Activist
For my fellow Sabahan, In Sabah, the traffic polices are the same..recently I was stop for carrying my workers to work. They blatantly ask for money.
ReplyDeleteI gave them RM50 but the fellow points and count the number of trafic police on duty .which was 4.
He said each of them wanted RM100-00
Police are out to protect us but now they are enemy within.
Don't they know we are the want to pay their salary.
TBH is like Jesus, he died to save all of us.
Can anyone translate this?.. no fair to other who dont speak chinese??.. or they trying to be funny..........
PNM-party national malaysia..haha
so desperate on TBH case now the opposition want to made up stories of spirit encounter...oh tulung la, not all of us believes in ghost. Skrg itu pembangkang mo dgr cakap hantu sudah ka? LOL
ReplyDeletePoor guy :(
ReplyDeleteI hope the authorities will look into this matter seriously.
OMG!!! please do look into this matter very seriously...
ReplyDeleteJessel,given a choice to choose between UMNO/BN politicians and spirits,I rather believe the spirits.
ReplyDeleteI suppose the people in the video clip were also spirits and not real police personals brutally hammering the victim.That's the problem with UMNO/BN Cybertroopers like yourself Jessel,NO BRAINS,go back to the hole you crawl out.
Jesselton yesterday.
The second autophsy on TBH is a step forward.Let us wait for the outcome of the medical report. JUstice will prevail and in the case of TBH is not an exception.If foul play proven whether the Police or AG has the guts to institute legal proceeding against the culprit/s is a cse to ponder.
ReplyDeleteJS said: In Malaysia, there are still many unfair treatments in the eyes of the law. TBH is innocent. May your spirit seek out those who cause your death. God have eyes, they will meet their deserved punishment when the time comes.
ReplyDeleteThe law system in Malaysia is controlled by the government. This crap of a government must be toppled by each Malaysians sacred vote during the next general election, that way, the truth will be reveal and the people will have a brighter future.
*Brief translation. The best I could do.
I don't know about the spirits. But I do believe in Karma. Whoever who murdered TBH will always be plagued by guilt and one day will meet his punishments.
ReplyDeleteMay his soul rest in peace....
ReplyDeletewhat goes around, comes around....prepare for this...
ReplyDeletewhoever guilty action should be taken.
ReplyDeleteHope Dr. Pornthip can solve the mysteries behind TBH's death. You go, girl. Rock on.
ReplyDeleteYeah,what goes around comes around.I truly believe GOD will punish the convicted person. I hope he will live in hell for the rest of his life.Never turn back!
ReplyDeleteWhat do u expect? PDRM are licensed to extort,blackmail,torture and kill. my advise is--don't play2 with them.Believe me they cannot be TRUSTED and it is my bitter experience.
ReplyDeletePDRM - Paling Dapat Rasuah Malaysia.
ReplyDeleteMay the spirit of TBH haunt the MA cyber troopers namely Kulou, Jessel and Urbanchick. Go Teoh, go go into thier head and exorcize them.
What goes around, comes around.
ReplyDeleteYes, just wait and see, look at what happened to TDM...no body will respect him only a handful few...
Things will fall into pieces sooner or later...God is just!!!
I do hope that Dr Porthip could do him justice. For the sake of TBH's family, and all that wishes them well.
ReplyDeleteKulou said...
ReplyDeletewhat goes around, comes around....prepare for this...
Hooooiii juling ka apa? did i mention MA name here? what's wrong with my words????? tulis macam ini pun ble dikatakan pro mana2 pihak ka? mati la ba juga......doooooiiiiiiidogooo.....
The truth speaks!God will reveal the real man behind all these things.
ReplyDeleteRIP TBH.I believe with the prayes for all walks of life..your spirit will be lifted up.I love karma and that's why I'm 200% sure that the real assassin-ator will soon be prevailed.
ReplyDeleteOooo my...what was this? listing my name as what? duhhh whatever....i know who am i...blaming me for what? uhhh whatever!!!!
ReplyDeleteMay the ghost of TBH haunts the killer...
ReplyDeleteGod see what we do and HE only choose a right time to give us a lesson... Don't play2 oo...
ReplyDeleteJustice delayed is justice denied.....how many more post mortem is required before TBH is layed to rest in peace? The Govt may get the post mortem results that favors them but the results of the next GE will most definitely be otherwise.....Insyaallah.
ReplyDeleteI can not rest..I turn round and round in this cyber world looking for Jessel but found Urban chicken. Wish I can eat her together with kolou nyuk.
GOD has eyes. May you laid in rest TBH.This world is going to end soon.I'm sure you will 'wake up' someday and make them living in hell.
ReplyDeleteWatch out killer!He might just sit behind you..slowly following you.I can say Malaysian justice system is nuts.Too much cases but yet..most of them are still in pending list.*sigh*.I won't call it as jus-tice.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeletePDRM - Paling Dapat Rasuah Malaysia.
May the spirit of TBH haunt the MA cyber troopers namely Kulou, Jessel and Urbanchick. Go Teoh, go go into thier head and exorcize them.
November 23, 2009 5:49 AM
so when people dont agree with opposition straight away they are branded BNcyber Trooper is it??.. punya lah bodoh..tengok muka kau dlm cermin dlu..
I can see already if Opposition run the government .. it will be worse lah.. comments skit kena brand.. stupid!!!
suka hati orang bah apa mau cakap atau tulis disini.. respect other people Right to voice out their own say!!! paham!!! You are one stupid opposition fellow..
Naga Putih!!!!
Tiba2 semua orang pula expert dlm Hantu!!!..
ReplyDeletepandai cakap ..bugs kalau kamurang btul pernah nampak hantu.. baru namapak kucing hitam tengah malam .. muungkin lari macam tikus..
Ghost buster.. HAHAHA
Aiya, you think only BN have Cybertroopers meh? Surely PKR also have Cybertroopers. If PKR know BN hired Cybertroopers, do you think they will sit still and await for their attacks? Too naive la you.
ReplyDeleteBN cybertroopers? PKR cybertroopers? Does it really matter. As long as you know your stand. Stay firm in what you choose to believe, none of their comments can affect you.
What can a few words do to you? Just ignore them la.
I thought we're talking about TBH. What does this have to do with Cybertroopers?
ReplyDeleteWonder what will be the result.*Anxiously Waiting*
ReplyDeleteI was waiting for the autopsy result to be prevailed soon.Cheers.
ReplyDeleteApahal tiba2 cakap pasal Cybertroopers nei? Adei, kita crita pasal TBH lah ngok. Bukan Cybertroopers. Mimpi ka? Aiyoo..
ReplyDeleteAnyway, harap TBH dapat bersemadi dengan aman dan juga pembunuh dan accomplicesnya dapat dibawa ke muka keadilan.
Second post-mortem sudah siap. Bila keputusannya kluar?
Seems like the result of the 2nd postmortem is not out yet. Hurm. Can't wait to know about the results.
ReplyDeleteAbeng,Anonymous November 26, 2009 5:20 AM
ReplyDeleteApa tuduh2!! Ko la cybertroopers... Gila! I put my comment in a good way pun Salah... Insane suda ka? It is my right la, sy punya suka la... bising for what? I don't even know you la.... I have my right and you have your right! So if you want people to respect you, behave nicely... I don't know why you are saying this kind of accusation...
TBH was beaten up until he passed away is the solution for the SPRM. Especially the SPRM guy who is very close with Khir Toyo or khinjir toyol. They really wanted him dead to prevent him from telling what he knew about the guy. It all started during mahathir time, the demon guy. SPRM IS FOR umno.
ReplyDeleteI truly believed that there is someone who was against his boss. But he was the one who has been trapped in the situation and what will be the ending of the story? He died. But no one dare to speak up. I only saw the coroner walking passby.
ReplyDeleteThere is no such thing as JUSTICE in this world.
ReplyDeleteMay be this case will never be end...and the sadness thing is we cannot trust justice in this world...
ReplyDeleteIf truly you are the one who responsible,Sometimes you still can escape from being punish..
As long as you had a good lawyer, lots of money....berpengaruh then you got a big chance to escape...
And other people might be a black sheep...
What's the end of the story? Mind to tell me? I have been waiting for ages.
ReplyDeleteMalaysian Justice System has to be improved. Otherwise, more tragic deaths will be happening.
ReplyDeleteI put my doubt on SPRM's effectiveness in doing their things.
ReplyDeleteMalaysian Justice System is the worst ever in the world. The fog is covering it.
ReplyDeleteWe need changes in Malaysia Justice system now...!!!!
ReplyDeleteDon't talk about 1 malaysia, this 1 malaysia only for BN and Najib family, we should changed them on coming general erection, do not worried, we can make it and get thing done, rakyat malaysia not BN malaysia ok.
ReplyDeleteDis is najib's so call " 1 MALAYSIA "? No matter wat he did d public shouldn't get involved once the police are there.He shouldn't be beaten up like an animal. wat if he dies being beaten up who is to blame? 4 sure it will be another coverup by PDRM. Those policemen must be sack for their actions n jailed 4 allowing wat happen.
ReplyDeletewaiting 4 d post mortem result? Any idea wen it will b out? TBH rest in peace. really hope justice will be done for his family.
ReplyDeleteThe video circulate around facebook too...it is said that the poor guy is a snatch thieves...then chased and got caught by those 'callman', they so angry and beat him up like nobody bisnes la....even when the polices arrive, u can see they still like very high bashing the guy, and yet those police didn't really do anything to stop them...apa la!!
ReplyDeleteI decided not to read and catch up on local political news for a while now because of all the sandiwaras and rhetorics. Someone sent me this video today and I thought of taking a look. Now, I know why I stopped watching the news. Truly disgusting actions by hooligans and the participation of the police brings anger to me. The people should stand up and demand justice!!!! Be United! The Great Malaysian People Revolution has Begun.
ReplyDeleteThe victim is not an animal, but those monkeys from jungle are animals indeed,they ran wild due to monkey leaders are halfly blind. 50% of their vision just look for 'Benefit & profit'. Dear all, most important: Vote for JUSTICE!
ReplyDeleteThese vicious animals taking the law into their own hands in front of Malaysian Policemen withnessing the babaric & voilent acts inflicted on another fellow human being should all be punished.
ReplyDeleteThe guy with the hammer got away and even went through the vivtim's belongings besides a policeman is shown kicking the victim. Punish these rotten eggs Najib.
I have several times been a victom of Malaysian Traffic Policemen demanding money even without violating any traffice laws.
It is a shame to the coutry's image and no tourist should visit Malaysia until the laws are implemented to protect civilians. I will boycott ask my friends to boycott visiting malaysia.
Well we have a corrupted Police force, Judiciary and a legsilative body that is a rubber stamp for the Executive Powers-UMNO-so what do you expect.Even a former DPM of Malaysia was beaten up! Malaysia is a Police State.
ReplyDeleteWhether the guy is a snatch thief or not, he doesn't deserve barbaric treatment like this! After finding him guilty, give him the rotan!
ReplyDeletemy God what brutality by police and public.
ReplyDeleteThe policeman and that guy with the hammer must be charged for assualt and battery. They must be brought to justice. Their faces are clearly shown in the video
ReplyDeleteHarap TBH akan bersemadi dengan aman. Keadilan akan ditegakkan.
ReplyDeletewhat the fuc...ing .. kalau pukul saya mesti dia mati melayu memang babi
ReplyDeleteHarap roh TBH akan terus menggangu pembunuhnya.