On 28th January, 2010, The Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak launched the Government Transformation Programme.
His keywords were ... politicians and especially the civil service must be
“big and bold” in delivering the targets for the six national key result areas under its Government Transformation Programme.
Big words, great words; then exaggerated, amplified, inflated and dished out to the masses, without a question, by a sub-servient government-controlled or 'government-friendly' media.
My question is
"Can the government be transformed if the root problems are not tackled?”
We are only fooling ourselves if we go on believing that beautiful words can be transformed into beautiful deeds. For the past 26 years or so, beginning somewhere in 1984, we have been led to believe in phantom enemies and hidden agendas of the opposition. We were also led to believe that inflated but sub-standard development projects were all for the good of the people. Our nation's wealth has been drained to feed the insatiable greed of the political mafia. Corruption was well-guised as economic policies to help the bumis, privatization and Joint Ventures.
Now we realize, the enemy was within; the hidden agenda was of the ruling elites and inflated mega-projects was to feed the hungry politicians and satisfy the vanity of the chief.
If we search of our hearts deep enough and take a look at the way things work in Malaysia, we will understand and accept the fact that the root problems are:
Corruption especially 'negotiated tenders',
Abuse of power,
A confused Judiciary,
A muzzled media,
Sub-servient enforcement agencies, be it PDRM, MACC, IRB or others.
Things have gone from bad to worse simply because people in power refuse to admit to mistakes or even crimes. At times they go after a hundred dollars or a thousand dollars while millions and billions are siphoned away under negotiated tenders.
The rampant practice of negotiated tender was and is the root cause of Malaysia's problems. But this will never be admitted by the ruling government because this is from
where all their political and life-style funds come from.
And simply because money from corruption is what oils the political machinery and keeps them ticking. Without kick-backs and fringe benefits the government’s political units - both the main and auxiliary - will grind to a halt. They are so used to using money to buy people, votes, support or just silence. They would be lost in a plain playing field. 
No amount of make-believe or PR stunts by the government is going to help Malaysia. No, it cannot deliver anything. It may create tiny waves for sometime - but that’s it. After a while it would be back to normalcy.
Instead of scrubbing the dirt they'll be scrapping for more and more. The only thing is for the whole machinery to be revamped, restructured and redefined.
The civil service must become 'civil' as it was intended to be. It should carry out its duties according to the law, without fear or favour and without giving in to political pressure.
The legislature must go back to making the right laws and ensuring that they are thorough in their job.
The executive should ensure the laws are being enforced and rightly in the spirit it was intended to be.

The enforcement bodies, all of them, must be under independent commissions. The commissions should be responsible for recruitment, promotion or termination and all aspects of the service. There should be no interference by the executive.
They and all others should be answerable to Parliament and thereby to the people who are masters of the nation.
Will it be fair to have a police committee investigate a death in custody? Should the PM or cabinet decide who should be the IGP or Chief Justice or how long their tenure should be extended beyond retirement? Should the government decide if negotiated tenders are right? Should only the AG decide if a case should go for prosecution? Should those who bring to light cases of corruption be charged under OSA?
Well, if you ask me, it shouldn't matter if one is sincere to serve the people.

But when one wants to enjoy fringe benefits while serving the people and slips and falls in love with the glamour and the power that comes along with it - Can you trust the government, especially one that constitutes such characters?
If all the powers are rolled into one, as in Malaysia, in reality, then it won't lead to
1Great Malaysia, but 1Absolutely Corrupted Malaysia. 
There is a believe among some that a two-party system may save the country - well, maybe, to a certain extent. But what if the incoming new party uses the same 'machinery' to subvert the truth and enjoy the benefits? Look at our Sabah.

We had Berjaya taking over from USNO claiming, "The riches of the land should belong to the people". Then PBS took over from BERJAYA claiming abuse of power and marginalization. Then UMNO led BN took over claiming everything under PBS was wrong and it is still in power, but strangely though not surprisingly with PBS as bed-fellows.
What did these parties achieve? Each party did achieve something - BERJAYA leaders become wealthy, PBS leaders became wealthy and now BN-UMNO leaders are wealthy and getting wealthier.
Now we see the emergence of PKR and DAP(Pakatan Rakyat) in Sabah, trying desperately to create an impact in wresting the remote possibility of forming the next State government.Does PKR and DAP possess credible leaders capable of championing the state,it's people and reposition Sabah back to it's glory days? Quite honestly I don't think so,not yet anyway.
The people must see credible personalities emerging from PR. This is a lengthy mindset changing process. There must be credible people and the rakyat must be familiar with these personalities. They must be household names way before GE 13. PR must start to bring these people to the surface.The sickening thing is,there is an over doze of
NO LEADERS. Pathetic but catastrophically true.
History will show that no ruling parties or governments, anywhere in the world, have 'transformed' themselves to become clean, clear or caring. In words, yes. In deeds, NO! Why should they when the going is good? Governments have been overthrown by revolutionary new leaders or through open revolutions.
In a revolution, even if it succeeds, there is a high price to pay and this normally is paid by the poor, suffering, simple citizens.

It looks then; the people do not have much choice. Call it what you may - Paradigm shift, Mental Revolution (Revolusi Mental), Brave New Order – The people have to go for revolutionary leadership that is sincere in working for the people. And if the New Order proves to be a fake or Old Order in new clothes then change the government.
And keep changing until you are absolutely or reasonably satisfied.
KONG HEE FATT CHOY to all our Chinese brothers and sisters in Malaysia and around the globe,and a HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY....from Ronnie Klassen and Family.May the year of the Tiger bring prosperity,good health and wisdom to all.